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Service Level Agreement

Lets work together...

The following information is used to communicate the terms and conditions of the provided services and provide information regarding your privacy. You must agree to these terms in order for A³ Financial to handle your account and/or complete any financial work for you. 


In order to complete the services, you will be asked to provide sensitive financial information. It is your responsibility to make sure the provided information is complete and accurate. Services do not include any verification of the information you provide, as you are required to provide true and accurate information. It is also your responsibility to maintain copies of your own records, given the need to satisfy tax authority inquiries. All records submitted will be considered the property of A³ Financial, please do not provide originals as they may not be returned. 


An invoice for all fees and costs required for the preparations of any services rendered on your behalf will be presented to you upon completion. It is your responsibility to pay your balance in full before any work will be submitted or provided to you. For tax returns, your return will be filed when balances are paid in full (unless otherwise stated by your accounting professional). Please note that additional fees beyond those estimated to you during your initial consult may be necessary. You will be contacted for approval prior to the incurrence of additional fees. 


By working with A³ Financial, you agree to hold A³ Financial, its employees, and affiliates harmless of any audits or inquiries made by government agencies or any civil actions that may arise from inaccurate or false information as supplied to A³ Financial, and used in the preparation of any services rendered on your behalf by A³ Financial, its employees, and affiliates.


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